Pro: effective for storming
a highly efficient way to transfer information on a non face-to-face level
Cons: require the leader's hard work
I personally do not disagree with their opinion. However, I think that companies will need time to be able to take complete advantage of that kind of team work.
Yes, diversity is crucial for storming ideas, and virtual team certainly can help bring that characteristics to the team and team members. Well we have to remember that virtual team is a non face-to-face way of communication and diversity might not play a good role for the team.
In my opinion, it is harder for team members to communicate with each other online as effectively as in person. Therefore, I think it is still uncertain that a diverse group of people can work well together in a virtual way. Yes, you might argue with me that advanced technology will solve that problem by connecting people through conference calls, webcam etc... Technology, however, has not been able to let team members communicating in a virtual "face-to-face" way.
Why do I insist on the aspect of "face-to-face" communicating?
I experience the problem when I enter a private chat room with friends. Once we start the chat, the conversation might go completely unorganized and it is really hard to control the topic. We experience less the same kind of problem when talking to each other in person. As much leader's work need to be put in as the article mentioned, there is also no proof that team members pay 100% attention to the conference because the leader/organizer himself is not in the same room with these members. Therefore, the leader can not completely control such unexpected elements that occur throughout the conference.
Virtual team is such a new and interesting way of communicating. I think there will be more technology being developed to cater to this kind of communication. One day leaders might not need to put in as much hard work or have problem with organizing conference any more. Why? Because they probably can pint-point the crucial topic and who the lazy guy is. :)